Thursday, June 16, 2011

Once again we haven't been up to much recently so not a great deal to write about. One weird thing happened last week though. The Dr who was on call when I was in hospital phoned me up last Thursday and asked me to do a pregnancy test as she hadn't had the pathology or maybe it was histology results ( i forget) back yet. So I did a test and it shows up pregnant. So of course all sorts of things go through my head and I'm now thinking it might be nice to have another baby after all. Of course when I go back to the Early Pregnancy Unit on Tuesday and give blood they do another ultrasound and there's definitely no baby hiding anywhere but I still have raised pregnancy hormones so have to go back yet again next week for another blood test to make sure they are down to normal not pregnant state otherwise it might mean I need to have some sort of small investigative surgery to see what the heck is going on in there. So my hormones are all shot to pieces at the moment and I'm a bit fed up with it all.
On a happier note the weather has been lovely all week and I have friends arriving tomorrow for the weekend. Joan Adams is arriving, along with her cousin Molly. They have been sightseeing in Edinburgh all week and are coming to us tomorrow just in time for the weather to turn wet and altogether less conducive to taking in the beautiful sights of St Andrews. I have been busy cleaning and tidying the house up (which lets face it, really needed it) but haven't managed to tidy the garden up quite so well, it's still a bit of a mess. oh well, we can't be perfect all the time can we?

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