Monday, June 20, 2011

JoAn & Molly arrived safely on Friday night so on Saturday it was a sightseeing tour around St Andrews. We started off with coffee and cake up at the Castle Course for the panoramic views - unfortunately the weather was awful so the view was too. After that we drove into town and parked by the golf course and walked along the Scores. We visited the Museum, the castle and the cathedral and climbed St Rule's Tower. After all that walking and climbing it was time for an ice cream at Janetta's before commencing our tour round and about the town centre including visits to shops for some retail therapy.
JoAn & Molly took Tom & Lily out for dinner at Pizza Express later on whilst Nick & I went to the Fairmont Hotel for the Midsummer Ball with Ailsa & Andy Primmer and some other friends. After a champagne reception we went through to dinner and as it was a fundraiser there were envelopes on the tables to put your donations in. So we duly did this then put our envelope in the big one in the middle of the table and propped it up and continued chatting away until we were interupted by the smell of smoke - yes I had managed to set fire to the envelope, luckily we managed to salvage our envelope but the big one had a large hole in it so had to go in the bin. You can see the charred top corner and water in the top right corner below. So that was a good way to

break the ice at our table. From there on in we had a great time, the food was delicious, the wine was flowing and the auction was a great success, sadly we didn't win anything and I had a fairly impressive hangover on Sunday. To make it better we all went out for morning coffee and bacon butties and then had a round of golf on the Himalayas putting green.

It was a beautiful day and helped blow away the cobwebs.

We went over to the Swilken Bridge afterwards for a classic photo and I think that's the first time I have ever stood on the bridge in all the years we have lived here.

All too soon it was Monday and the bedding has been washed and is outside drying, the towels are in the machine at the moment, the girls have gone back through to Edinburgh and I am turning the house around in time for our next batch of visitors arriving on Wednesday.

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