Sunday, June 26, 2011

On TuesdayI went back to Ninewells for my final blood test but alas my hormone levels had still not returned to below 5 and were at 20 so I have to go back again this Wednesday which will be exactly 7 weeks after my operation so fingers crossed it will be my final visit this time round.
On Wednesday Craig, Bernice and Christopher arrived for their visit and luckily the weather stayed kind for them too. Craig & Nick managed a round of golf on Thursday while Bernice, Christopher and I mooched around town doing the sights (again!) Then we met up with the boys for lunch.
On Friday the Stallards left around 8am to go north for a bit of a tour around Scotland and I'm pleased to say it looks like the weather has held for them. I was in school all morning helping out with the cycling proficiency test and then came home in time for lunch and a relax on the couch for the rest of the day.
I did a bit of gardening on Saturday (which was long overdue - we have the untidiest garden in the street - but then we are one of the few houses without a gardener!) while Nick was in work overseeing stuff about the Armed Forces Day and then today we went out for lunch since it was our anniversary and we had a £25 voucher for The Rule which I had won at the school fair a couple of weeks ago.
I'm all caught up with the washing and the beds are all made up for our next set of guests, who thankfully don't arrive for a couple of weeks so I have time to fully recharge before it starts all over again.

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