Thursday, April 7, 2011

So far so good, it's the school holidays and the weather is being kind to us for a change, normally it rains during the holidays (oh, that's just the summer holidays, actually easter hols are quite often lovely.) Tom & Lily have been busy having a proper childhood this week as they have spent most of it down the woods building dens and rope swings and doing 'stuff' with their friends. This is great news for me as I went for a run on Sunday and to circuits yesterday and a run today. Talking about Sunday reminded me it was Mothers Day, after my run and a shower I had a lovely mid morning breakfast of hot croissant, coffee and orange juice. Delicious. Then in the afternoon we went to the Garden Centre and Nick bought me a clematis which I planted against the back wall to grow up through the ivy that I chopped back last year. My lovely husband then cooked dinner (fajitas) and washed up afterwards. Result.

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