Monday, August 8, 2011

Nick & Tom took the opportunity to go on a hill walk up Ben Cleuch on the Friday 29th while Lily and I took the slightly less energetic option of staying at home and baking cakes.

 Then all too soon it was Monday and Nick was back at work, while he had a fairly busy and hectic week, the children and I have had a fairly laid back, leisurely one.  They have been out playing down the Lade Braes with friends most of the week and I have just been hanging around the house ready with food and clean clothing as required. 
Mum & Dad came through on Saturday to allow Nick and I to go to the Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo.  It was a fab night.  We got picked up and driven through to Edinburgh where we helped host dinner for some guests of RAF Leuchars before getting a police escort to the castle esplanade for the show.  We were thankfully in the Royal Box (complete with blankets and a roof) which was great as it was pouring with rain the whole time.  The rest of the audience were all wearing ponchos while we sat in the box in our finery staying nice and dry. It was a very late night though, we eventually got home and into bed at 3am.

Needless to say, Sunday was spent lounging around and napping.

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