Friday, April 29, 2011

We went to Angela's after school on Monday to celebrate Lily's birthday but left very abruptly as Lily was sick - we had managed to celebrate with fajitas and birthday cake before Lily's untimely vomitting. So we bundled ourselves in the car armed with a couple of plastic bags which were duly deposited in again on the way home :( Tuesday arrived and Lily was fine so we were able to celebrate at home with more cake and candles and presents.
Then today the children had a day off school because of the Royal Wedding. The University was hosting a big party which we went to. Tom and the rest of his school Glee Club were one of the performances on stage so we had a very early start to the day and got into town for 7.30am. After some breakfast and a warming (it was a very chilly day - sunny, but very cold) cup of coffee we watched all the performers


Kate & Wills cakes from Fisher & Donaldson Bakeries.

Tom and the Canongate Glee Club
we watched the ceremony on a big screen in the quad then packed up and went home to watch the big finale on the balcony. A lovely day.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter to you all, what is there for you to catch up on, let's see...
Firstly, the children and Nick went off down to Somerset on the middle Saturday of the holidays leaving me home alone for the first time ever (obviously Nick has been away loads of times but the children have never been away too) so after saying our goodbyes at the train station I was off to pick Angela up for our pedicure in Dundee. We got one of those Garra Fish pedi's which took a while to get used to - I think we could both honestly say we were glad I had just booked the 15 minute nibble session instead of the 30 minute one. After that we got our toenails painted and then went off for a wander round the shops and a bite of lunch at McManus Galleries then it was back to Ang's to watch Eat, Pray, Love and have another bite to eat. So I finally got home about 7.30pm to an empty and wonderfully peaceful house. Bliss.
I went for a run on the Sunday and the Tuesday and just pootled around gardening, shopping and generally having a lovely time knowing I didn't need to be anywhere or do anything for anyone but me until Wednesday at 5.30pm when I drove back to Leuchars to pick Nick and the kids up. Tom had celebrated his 11th birthday at his Nana's house with his cousins and had been camping in the back garden, he had also hurt his foot from a bad fall from some scaffolding whilst playing tig. Lily and Nick had also had a lovely time with cousins, Nan, Grampy and brothers/uncles all around for their visit. When we got home Tom opened his presents from us and a few others and got to have another birthday cake. Then it was a relaxing few days before school and work took over again.
We had another holiday on Friday because it was Good but the weather was rubbish, the haar was in and it was raining so we took ourselves off to the Lomond Hills hoping to escape but ended up walking up the hill in thick mist and fog and then almost getting lost on the way back down before going on to Falkland for a visit to the Palace and a fab lunch at the pub across the road. I didn't eat anything else until around half 7 when we had a couple of hot cross buns to eat. I was still so full I didn't even have a glass of wine later.
I got up around 6 this morning (no wine yesterday either - check me out!!) and went for a 5 mile run then had some breakfast before we all went to the driving range for a bit of golf practice - I was surprisingly pleased with my performance considering the last time I played was about 18 months ago. Then it was home for coffee and easter egg chocolate before heading off to the beach for a couple of hours. Home again and I cut the grass before serving up our meal of the day around 4pm. I am now, finally having a glass of wine, Nick has gone in to work for a few hours so he doesn't need to pop in tomorrow, Lily is watching Merlin on telly and Tom is round at the den with Stuart. Life is good.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

So far so good, it's the school holidays and the weather is being kind to us for a change, normally it rains during the holidays (oh, that's just the summer holidays, actually easter hols are quite often lovely.) Tom & Lily have been busy having a proper childhood this week as they have spent most of it down the woods building dens and rope swings and doing 'stuff' with their friends. This is great news for me as I went for a run on Sunday and to circuits yesterday and a run today. Talking about Sunday reminded me it was Mothers Day, after my run and a shower I had a lovely mid morning breakfast of hot croissant, coffee and orange juice. Delicious. Then in the afternoon we went to the Garden Centre and Nick bought me a clematis which I planted against the back wall to grow up through the ivy that I chopped back last year. My lovely husband then cooked dinner (fajitas) and washed up afterwards. Result.