Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not much to report really. Nick is in London for a couple of days, Tom & Lily are both off school with nasty colds and Tom has a cough as well. I saw a mouse in the kitchen last night so had to look out the traps again and dispose of a dead body this morning!
I went to Bunco last Wednesday and won £5.50 but will miss book club tonight as I don't want to get a sitter in when the children are unwell. I also had to cancel lunch out on Tuesday with Kathleen (who I haven't seen for 3 or 4 years) because of those pesky children. Oh well, I'd better be off to make up some hot drinks and clean up snotty tissues! The joys of motherhood never end.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Darling,

    How are you? so what job have you got yourself? I have been working pretty much full time the last few weeks covering the secretary who is away at school, I tell yah this working malarchy wears you out!!! Hope all is well will try to catch up soon. Love to all Hx
