Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bah Humbug

I finally got round to posting some pictures of Tom as Scrooge in the school play, he did brilliantly.

Even managing a solo during one of the songs. How fantastic is that? I was a very proud mama.
Nick even managed to get away from work early enough to come and enjoy the performance too.
It's now Sunday morning and all the mince pies have been made (192 of them) , the invites have been issued and the ingredients for the mulled wine have been purchased and it's decided to snow again. Bah humbug...we may be eating a lot of mince pies as there is loads more snow forecast for today.

1 comment:

  1. It's Sunday 19th not Saturday 18th, I still havent managed to fix the time stamp on this blog. I don't know where in the world it thinks I am because it's currently 8am on Sunday morning.
