Monday, July 19, 2010

Now that I've started a new blog I don't quite know where to much has happened since I last posted on 4 July.
Typically our shipping arrived when husband was away so the kids and I were surrounded by 108 boxes of stuff and had to sort it all out. Now I am pleased to say most of it is done, well at least the kitchen is sorted. The kids rooms look like an explosion and I am just going to go and sort out my side of our bedroom so I can figure out how much room I have left over for towels and bedding (we have no linen cupboard here).
Once I have done that I think I will put my feet up and watch a bit of TV, we have finally entered the 21st century as our BT Vision box arrived today and I am pleased to say I managed to set it up all by myself. It wasn't actually very difficult after all. Now we are just waiting on the fancy flatscreen TV to arrive, along with some bookcases, a sofa and a sofa bed.

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