Friday, July 30, 2010

Tom, Lily & I went to the beach again on Wednesday, it looked like a lovely day but I was sitting reading a book and I was frozen. So I was very pleased to see the children in the water - I thought they won't last long and we can go home and get warmed up. We stayed out for a grand total of 35minutes before Tom called it a day and I happily packed up camp and headed back home.
So yesterday I was more prepared for the beach outing, we were meeting up with Nic and her kids along with Sue's kids (Sue & Matt are in the process of moving back down south) and we were well wrapped up against the cool breeze.
And well stocked with flasks of hot chocolate and mugs of coffee. A grand day out at the beach

in Scotland. This time I didn't let Tom in the sea so we were able to sit on the beach chatting for quite some time before they got too cold and we packed up and went swimming at the leisure centre instead. A far more sensible idea.
All too soon it was time to say goodbye and we parted company but are hopeful of meeting up again in a few months during October half term.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It turned into a beautiful day yesterday, well beautiful for St Andrews at least. We were meeting up with Nic and her 2 children, Dan & Ellie, who we last saw 3 years ago before we left for the US. They were up visiting her husband who is working up here while they stay down south for some school stability. We had arranged to meet at the beach and I was amazed when I got there to see people sunbathing and a few were actually in the water...I sometimes forget that St Andrews is a holiday destination and some brave souls were making the most of it on the beach. It made me smile because many years ago it would have been my parents and us on the beach making the most of our summer holiday!
Needless to say, the kids decided to get in the water too while Nic & I caught up with each others news.

When we saw them over on this rocky outcrop we decided to call it a day and get them back before they got cut off by the tide and had to swim. I think it was a well judged decision as Tom was freezing so it was a quick dry off and then back to ours for hot chocolate.
My jaw is still sore and I am still struggling to eat pain free so I think a call to the dr's is in order.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

After dropping Nick off at Leuchars train station on Sunday morning it was a short drive through to my parents to celebrate their anniversary, 43 years of togetherness! Dad & I went down to the pet shop for a look around and then I took Tom & Lily round to see Frances & Errol for a short visit. Errol wasn't there but he popped up to the house later on to see us.
After that it was time to start the anniversary celebration with a game of hide and seek in the garden for the children and a glass of champagne for the adults. Very nice.
Then we even managed to barbecue and eat outside, with a mini cabaret from Tom.
Wonderful. On Monday the plan had been to go shopping in Glasgow but I had a pain in my jaw and couldn't open my mouth very wide so I decided to phone the dentist and return to St Andrews to have it investigated. The dentist didn't find anything wrong but suggested I am grinding my teeth in my sleep and if the pain continues he will fit me with something to put in my mouth at night to stop me. I'm not so sure about this diagnosis but we shall see.
Well, it's Tuesday and I still have the pain and the lack of movement - doesn't stop me from talking though!
On getting up for breakfast I discovered this beauty in the kitchen sink.
He looked much bigger in the flesh, I managed to get him outside and felt rather pleased with myself because if Nick had been here I would have (rather pathetically) called on him to deal with it like I did on Saturday with a dirty great moth....eugh - nasty, powdery things.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Order from Chaos - well almost

We've had a busy week sorting and tidying, the sofa bed arrived on Wednesday so I got that bolted together and sorted out myself and then on Friday all the bookcases from Ikea arrived so Nick set to work on those so I could set to work on these... by the end of the day we had this...
and this...
So we are almost done, the children have finally got their rooms tidied and now all that appears to be left is boxes of my stuff - Childrens schoolwork and pictures that we want to keep and tons of postcards, ticket stubs, leaflets etc from everywhere we visited in that's one job that's going to keep me busy for a while. Coffee and cake (from Fisher & Donaldsons) now. More later.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I've been desperate to show off my new shoes, for those of you who know me, you will know that I normally wear flatties...
but after a girlie shopping trip with my lovely friend, I am now the proud owner of these beauties...
I had planned to wear them out last Tuesday when I was attending an art gallery opening but suffered a crisis of confidence and had a mad dash out to get these blue shoes on the Tuesday morning...
which was much more me with the dress I was wearing. I have kept the extra high heels though and will be wearing them at some point, probably with trousers or a slightly less fitted dress. They are bloody gorgeous, I smile everytime I see them and am now eagerly awaiting an opportunity to wear them.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Now that I've started a new blog I don't quite know where to much has happened since I last posted on 4 July.
Typically our shipping arrived when husband was away so the kids and I were surrounded by 108 boxes of stuff and had to sort it all out. Now I am pleased to say most of it is done, well at least the kitchen is sorted. The kids rooms look like an explosion and I am just going to go and sort out my side of our bedroom so I can figure out how much room I have left over for towels and bedding (we have no linen cupboard here).
Once I have done that I think I will put my feet up and watch a bit of TV, we have finally entered the 21st century as our BT Vision box arrived today and I am pleased to say I managed to set it up all by myself. It wasn't actually very difficult after all. Now we are just waiting on the fancy flatscreen TV to arrive, along with some bookcases, a sofa and a sofa bed.